常见问题 关于 孕期药物使用


我很幸运,我丈夫的母亲在整个过程中一直非常支持我. She would help me do research 和 stuff. And she was one of those people you would think wouldn't be supportive. But she turned out to actually be my biggest advocate.

Patient who received our prenatal care

你的产科护理团队在这里支持你有一个健康的怀孕和一个健康的宝宝. We're here to help you 和 your baby go home together to a safe place. 的 best way to make this happen is to get prenatal care early!


  • DCYF (Division for Children, Youth, 和 Families) in New Hampshire
  • DCF (Division of Children 和 Families) in Vermont


请注意: Please be aware the information presented here is informational only, 和 is 不 legal or medical advice. Medical advice should be obtained from your treating provider, 法律建议应该从了解你的特殊情况并熟悉现行法律的律师那里获得.

什么, 如果有任何, 如果有人被确定在怀孕期间使用药物,可能会面临刑事后果?

在佛蒙特州和新罕布什尔州, using drugs or alcohol during pregnancy is 不 a distinct 和 separate crime. 根据现行法律, 在这些州,任何人都不应该因为怀孕期间使用药物而面临任何不同的法律指控.

Are the things I tell my providers confidential?

未经您的书面同意,医疗保健提供者不会向您的护理团队以外的其他人披露或分享您的健康信息, unless they are allowed to or required to by law. 然而, if a provider writes something in your medical record, it can be read by other providers who care for you or your baby.

如果你是我们的病人,那 私隐实务通知 说明我们何时可以在未经您书面同意的情况下披露或分享您的信息.

Can women start taking medications for opioid use disorder during pregnancy?

是的, 丁丙诺啡(包括丁丙诺啡/纳洛酮制剂,如Suboxone或Zubsolv)和美沙酮都是安全的,并且在怀孕期间效果良好. 当需要阿片类药物使用障碍的药物来支持恢复时,建议在怀孕期间使用这两种药物.

I don't want to tell my doctor I am using. 他们怎么知道?

我们的规定是未经您的知情和口头同意不得进行药物测试. 如果一个人失去知觉,提供者可以下令进行药物测试,以提供必要的医疗护理. Drug tests are sometimes requested when bleeding, 早产, 或者出现其他妊娠并发症,或者如果一个人看起来喝醉了,或者有戒断症状.

然而,父母的同意是有效的 required to order a drug test for a baby. 孩子出生后, the baby's provider may decide to send urine, 胎便(婴儿的第一次大便), or a piece of the baby's umbilical cord for drug testing. 胎粪和脐带测试可以检测出婴儿在怀孕的最后三个月接触了什么.

Is there a way to anonymously ask a doctor or midwife questions?

是的! Anyone can call the Perinatal SUD Helpline (603-650-2602),并告诉接听电话的人,他们有问题要问助产士或医生,但不想透露姓名. 如果可能的话,我们的工作人员会帮助您找到助产士或护士与您交谈,或者安排一个时间让他们给您回电话.

Can I take Subutex if I join the 康复中的妈妈们 program?

康复中的妈妈们 program prescribes only Suboxone during pregnancy or postpartum. 怀孕结束后, 有些人选择改用长效注射丁丙诺啡(每月注射一次)。.

什么 if Suboxone makes me sick to my stomach?

If Suboxone makes you feel sick to your stomach during pregnancy, 从条状改为片剂,或者尝试不同的口味或品牌通常会有所帮助. If you still have problems with nausea or feeling sick to your stomach, your provider can prescribe a medication to help with this.


是的. If a pregnant person needs residential treatment, 在新罕布什尔州和佛蒙特州有一个为期28天的住院治疗项目,将接受孕妇, 但不是他们的孩子. 允许母亲带孩子住院治疗的选择很少:新罕布什尔州南部有两个, 另一个在佛蒙特州西北部. 如果怀孕或养育子女的人因家庭暴力需要安全住房,但不需要因药物使用而住院治疗, there are safe housing options through 明智的转折点.

Is childcare available during medical care visits?

护理人员在产前和产后探访期间尽最大努力帮助儿童, but this is 不 the same as having childcare. For safety reasons, children are 不 allowed to come to an ultrasound appointment.

Will my baby be taken away from me if I admit to using drugs?

在怀孕期间或之后使用药物并不意味着你的孩子会被从你身边带走. 然而, 如果父母正在积极使用药物,而医生认为药物使用可能会使婴儿, 或者家里的其他孩子, 有受到伤害或忽视的危险, the provider is required to make a report to child protective services. This is known as a "m和ated report."

如果是报告 is 寄给儿童保护机构, this does 不 necessarily mean that they will remove your baby from your custody, especially if you are connected to a treatment program 和 working on your recovery, 和 there is a sober caregiver around to take care of your child.

Cannabis (marijuana) use by itself is 不 usually the reason for a report.

When does child protection get called, 和 who calls?


Usually, a hospital social worker, doctor, or nurse calls after a baby is born. It is different in Vermont; 佛蒙特州贴现 recommends that a report be made in the third trimester if the pregnant mother is using non-prescribed drugs, 大麻除外.

But if you leave a treatment program or if you continue to use non-prescribed drugs, or if the medical team thinks there is a risk to a不her child in the home, 他们可能会提前打电话.

All health care providers are m和ated reporters, 这意味着如果他们认为有伤害或忽视儿童的风险,法律要求他们打电话给儿童保护服务机构.

如果是报告 needs to be made to child protection, the medical team will do its best to talk with you about their concerns.

什么 happens when DCYF/DCF gets involved?

的re are several steps in this process. 在DCYF/DCF接到电话后,机构将决定是否需要跟进. 如果是这样,就会指派一名个案工作者就报告的安全问题与家属联系. 一旦一个案件被分配,它保持开放的时间长短取决于案件工作者的发现.

New Hampshire DCYF 和 佛蒙特州贴现 have similar processes after a report is made.

有关更多信息,请参见“Where can I learn more about DCYF 和 DCF"?

什么 are the specific circumstances where I can lose my baby?

新罕布什尔州儿童保护基金会和佛蒙特州儿童保护基金会都有自己的调查流程和对报告采取行动. 一般, 如果有合理的理由担心孩子有受到严重伤害或忽视的危险,儿童保护可以使孩子脱离父母的监护. 这可能包括:

  • A parent using a drug that could cause them to overdose
  • 父母使用的药物可能会让他们无法安全地照顾自己的孩子
  • 家庭暴力
  • Presence of drugs in the home that could pose risk to the infant or other children



POSC帮助一个家庭在带着孩子回家后获得他们需要的服务. 的 plan also provides a list of contact information for programs 和 services.

Other information in the POSC includes:

  • 家庭成员
  • 产前物质暴露
  • 优势和目标

In New Hampshire 和 Vermont, a POSC is a separate requirement. Having a POSC created does 不 itself cause a report to the DCYF/DCF.

Where can I learn more about DCYF 和 DCF?

For more information, please see the following websites 和 documents:

